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Elementary teacher helping three students with reading in class

Course Modules

Try our self-paced learning modules to strengthen your skills as a teacher of reading.

Creating Bar Graphs

Creating Bar Graphs

Real-life scientists use charts and graphs as a way to organize and understand the information they have gathered. Young scientists can do the same! These activities will help you and your child create simple bar charts together, learn the vocabulary of graphing, and have fun building graphs using real objects.


Creating a Buzz Around Books

We’re all abuzz about Bug Buddies, our newest online toolkit for educators, summer program staff, and parents that explores all things insect, combining hands-on activities with great fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for 5 days’ worth of reading and learning fun. 

Two elementary boys looking at picture book together in front of classroom library

Creating a Classroom Library

Discover how one elementary teacher set up her classroom library, making it easy to use and inviting — encouraging her students to find joy in selecting and reading books they will love.
