Our Reading and Writing SOS experts answer your questions about the sounds of speech (phonemic awareness), phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, reading motivation, writing, and using technology to support these literacy skills.
Our experts also provide help for bilingual families, families with deaf children, and for children with special needs, including dyslexia and other reading disabilities.
Featured question
Should I correct my child when she reads aloud to me?
It depends on the situation, says Sandra. If your child is reading out loud for fun, it’s best to just offer a gentle, quick correction and move on. But if your child is reading aloud as part of a more structured learning time, you should offer more guidance, such as encouraging your child to slow down and sound out unfamiliar words, and to check for understanding (e.g., does that sentence make sense?).
Reading 101 for Parents
Learn what it takes to become a strong reader and writer — and discover lots of easy literacy-building activities to do with your child at home. Visit Reading 101: A Guide for Parents ›

Reading and Writing SOS was produced in partnership with the National Education Association.