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Why Some Kids Struggle and How to Help

Learn more about why some kids have trouble learning to read, how to target the problem, and how to help a struggling reader with self-esteem issues. 

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Some kids have a learning disability that makes reading difficult to learn. Others come to school without the experiences they need to become readers. Some children struggle because they’ve received poor or inadequate reading instruction. When these and other risk factors are identified early, though, many children’s reading difficulties can be prevented.

Struggling readers

Why is reading so hard?

“Why can my child speak so well, but struggle with learning to read? Why is reading so hard?” Those are questions asked by many parents of kids with reading issues. Hear from expert Margie Gillis, Ed.D, on how the brain changes when we learn to read, and why those changes may happen more slowly in some kids than others. (From Understood (opens in a new window))

Learn more about kids who struggle

Especially for parents

Research reports
