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Book Theme
Grade Level

How school principals support student writers

Principals can help create a school culture for writing by providing curricular time, celebrating student writing through awards, and supporting school newspapers and literary clubs.

Different styles of writing

Teachers should encourage students to think of writing as a response to a unique situation and audience, and as an act of inquiry.

Writing as a purposeful act

Hesse sees writing not only as a mandatory skill—it is also as an authentic way for students to analyze, create, and convey knowledge.

Meet Doug Hesse

Hesse talks about his academic and professional experience, including his current role as director of the writing program at the University of Denver.

The literacy democracy demands

How can teachers help students learn to argue, learn to offer evidence for claims that they are making, and listen to other people’s point of view?

Revision is hard

Teachers should provide more time in class for revising and help the students take ownership of their drafts as they recognize what they want to change in their writing.

Writing as dialogue

Jago says that if you write, you can enter into a fascinating dialogue with others and become part of the public discourse.

Creating a community of writers

Jago shares her own rough drafts with students to let them know that all writers need to revise, get feedback, and revise again.
