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Book Theme
Grade Level

Vocabulary: Bricks and mortar

Dr. Cynthia Lundgren discusses the concept of “bricks and mortar” when thinking about effective vocabulary instruction for ELLs.

Language development

Dr. Lundgren offers a brief overview of the different components of language development. 

Lesson design

Dr. Lundgren describes the objectives of designing effective lesson for ELLs. 

What is scaffolding?

Dr. Cynthia Lundgren explains what scaffolding is and provides examples of how teachers can help newcomers access content with limited language proficiency.

Parents and bilingualism

Dr. Diane August discusses the importance of encouraging parents to maintain their family’s home language. 

Time on task

Find out which myth Dr. Diane August would like to debunk—and why!

Taking risks

Dr. Diane August discusses what kind of research she would like to see around empowering ELLs to take more risks in the classroom. 
