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Young boy looking at camera with his chalk drawing in the background

The Facts on Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities

Learn the answers to 10 commonly asked questions that families and educators of students with disabilities have about charter schools. You’ll also find links to state-specific resources that can help you better understand how charter schools work in your individual state.
The Foundations for Reading

The Foundations for Reading

Three main accomplishments characterize good readers. Find out what these accomplishments are, and what experiences in the early years lay the groundwork for attaining them.

Elementary aged girl looking at laptop with her father

The IEP Team

The IEP guides the delivery of special education and related services and supplementary aids and supports for the child with a disability. Without a doubt, writing and implementing an effective IEP requires teamwork. So, who’s on the team?
Elementary aged girl looking at laptop with her father

The IEP Team Members

Parents and teachers as well as other professionals are required by law to be involved in writing a student’s IEP. Find out about the members of an IEP team and the roles they play.

The Impact of a Diverse Classroom Library

This study reveals that increasing access to diverse books in the classroom environment increases the amount of time that children spend reading, and positively impacts students’ reading scores. It also reveals that while educators almost uniformly believe that a diverse classroom library is important, most classroom libraries fall far short of representing or reflecting the current diverse student population. Additional research is needed to further understand the impact of diverse books.

The Importance of Active Reading

The Importance of Active Reading

By actively and independently reading text, students simultaneously can build their word identification, fluency, vocabulary, and text-dependent comprehension skills. Learn about three key steps teachers can take to help students experience success with independent active reading.

The Importance of Early Intervention

The Importance of Early Intervention

Treating communication and language difficulties early on can prevent potential problems with behavior, learning, reading and social interaction. Learn more about the five ways that early intervention can help your child and your family.

The Importance of Reading Widely

The Importance of Reading Widely

Sharing lots of different kinds, or genres, of books with your child exposes him to different words, different kinds of images, and whole new worlds. This tip sheet suggests some genres to try with your young reader that complement ‘traditional’ fiction. Some are suggestions for read alouds, while others may be ones your child can read on his own.
