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Learning Differences Are Not Deficiencies

Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney talks about being treated like the “stupid, crazy, lazy” kid because of his dyslexia and ADHD and how a more equitable and inclusive education system — and world — would be a game changer in the short and long term for kids with learning differences.

Community schools

Dr. Pedro Noguera provides an overview of the community schools model.

What People with Dyslexia and ADHD Should Never Have to Hear

Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney says that instead of people with learning differences being asked some variation on “What’s your problem?” multiple times a day, people should be asking, “What’s the school’s problem, the work place environment’s problem, the problem with a culture where normal is good and right and difference is deficient?”

"Schooling for Resilience"

Dr. Pedro Noguera discusses a new book he co-wrote, Schooling for Resilience, which examines a number of schools serving Black and Latino boys and what they are doing to support student success.
