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Book Theme
Grade Level

Building Blocks of Reading

A pre-kindergarten program called Children’s Literacy Initiative helps at-risk children meet a school’s high expectations.

Reading as Dialogue

Children who are at risk for reading failure boost their reading skills using a technique called dialogic reading.

Rosemary Wells: A Writer's Secret

Author and illustrator Rosemary Wells talks about how successful children’s literature appeals to the heart of the child and to the sense of humor in adults.

Tuning In to Speech Sounds

Psychologist Janet Werker studies how babies develop skills to distinguish speech sounds of their native language.

Becoming Aware of Print

In San Jose, California, 32-month-old Mira gets a head start on reading from her parents.

Introduction: Roots of Reading

Fred Rogers introduces how parents, childcare providers, and kindergarten teachers can get children started on the road to literacy. 

Bringing up baby

Reading aloud to young children builds the foundation for later reading success. 
