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Book Theme
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Playing favorites

 Jules Feiffer shares his fondness for By the Side of the Road, a picture book with a not-so-happy ending.

Imagining Milo

Have you ever wondered why Milo wore a plain black tee-shirt, or how Jules Feiffer imagined what Humbug and Tock should look like?


For Jules Feiffer, the great fun in creating a book is in the counterpoint between what the text says and how the illustrations react.

Visualizing the story

Kate Feiffer’s background as a television news reporter taught her to write to the pictures. Jules Feiffer says that picture book making is kind of like film; the text is the starting point for storyboards.


Kate and Jules Feiffer have an easy collaborative working style. They vividly remember working together on Which Puppy? and My Side of the Car.

Family stories

The Daddy Mountain and There’s a Zoo in My Room were inspired by Jules Feiffer’s granddaughter and daughter.

Bark, George

Jules Feiffer’s story Bark, George started out as a bedtime story (a “radio story”) for his two-year old daughter.

Opening lines

In the early stages of a book, the story can sometimes seem to write itself. Then come the careful revisions and polish.
