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Elementary aged girl looking at laptop with her father

Special Education Basics

Your child may be eligible for special services that will help him or her succeed as a reader. Find out basic information about special education and which children are eligible for receiving special education services.
Young boy looking at camera with his chalk drawing in the background

Spelling and Students with Learning Disabilities

Spelling difficulties can be enduring in individuals with reading disabilities, sometimes even after reading has been successfully remediated. Addressing spelling difficulties is important, because poor spelling can hamper writing and can convey a negative impression even when the content of the writing is excellent.

illustration of young girl struggling with reading and writing

Support Services

First and foremost, struggling readers need excellent reading instruction from their classroom teachers in order to overcome their difficulties. Many schools are also equipped to provide extra help to the children who need it.
Female tutor working on-on-one with an elementary student on reading

Talking Tutoring

Experts Marcia Invernizzi, Carole Prest, and Anne Hoover discuss tutoring programs, tutor training, what the latest research tells us, and the different forms tutoring can take.

Elementary aged girl looking at laptop with her father

The IEP Team

The IEP guides the delivery of special education and related services and supplementary aids and supports for the child with a disability. Without a doubt, writing and implementing an effective IEP requires teamwork. So, who’s on the team?
Elementary aged girl looking at laptop with her father

The IEP Team Members

Parents and teachers as well as other professionals are required by law to be involved in writing a student’s IEP. Find out about the members of an IEP team and the roles they play.
The Importance of Early Intervention

The Importance of Early Intervention

Treating communication and language difficulties early on can prevent potential problems with behavior, learning, reading and social interaction. Learn more about the five ways that early intervention can help your child and your family.

The Parent-Teacher Conference

The Parent-Teacher Conference

Parent-teacher conferences are a great opportunity for families to sit down one-on-one with your child’s teacher and talk about school progress. Here are some tips to make the most of this time.

elementary teacher working one-on-one with female student

The Role of RTI in LD Identification

National experts Don Deshler, Jack Fletcher, and Rick Wagner provide information and answer questions about using Response to Intervention (RTI) to help students with learning disabilities.

Female tutor working on-on-one with an elementary student on reading

The Role of the Volunteer Tutor

Tutors can play very important roles in the lives of the children they work with. Learn about these roles and the types of tutoring programs that are available to provide young readers with one-on-one support.

The Simple View of Reading

The Simple View of Reading

The Simple View of Reading is a formula demonstrating the widely accepted view that reading has two basic components: word recognition (decoding) and language comprehension. Research studies show that a student’s reading comprehension score can be predicted if decoding skills and language comprehension abilities are known.

Female tutor working on-on-one with an elementary student on reading

Tips for Reading Tutors

The U.S. Department of Education developed this brief guide for reading tutors. It lists ways that tutoring helps both the learner and the tutor, and provides practical tips that can help tutors be more effective in their work.

Asian mom talking with her toddler

Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Children

This article, from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, distinguishes auditory processing disorder from other disorders. Symptoms and treatment are described. An explanation is provided of the role of the multidisciplinary team and the role of the audiologist, which is the only profession that can legitimately diagnose auditory processing disorders.