Summertime always gives me a chance to reread some of the articles and reports that I can only skim through during busier times. This week, I revisited Teaching All Students to Read: Practices from Reading First Schools with Strong Intervention Outcomes from the Florida Center for Reading Research.
What’s it take to get strong outcomes from your work with at risk readers? This report details seven common traits across the schools:
- Strong Leadership
- Positive Belief and Teacher Dedication
- Data Utilization and Analysis
- Effective Scheduling
- Professional Development
- Scientifically Based Intervention Programs
- Parent Involvement
No surprises, but some important reminders. And two findings I’d like to highlight.
First, successful schools offered differentiated professional development. All teachers don’t need the same training at the same time. Some veteran teachers need advanced training in some areas, while other teachers need support in developing a skill.
Second, successful schools planned the 30-45 minute intervention time to be in addition to (rather than part of) the 90-minute reading block. A school-wide decision to do that means fewer interruptions and transitions during the reading block. It can also help stagger intervention and specialist times, and pave the way for grade-level planning.
Good information to mull over on these hot summer days.