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3 elementary students writing on flip chart in social studies unit

What Do We Do with Above Grade Readers?

Independent and semi-independent activities (such as Literature Circles, Book Club, Project-Based Instruction, and Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction) provide students with opportunities to apply their reading and writing skills to texts of a range of difficulty.

What Works in Comprehension Instruction

What Works in Comprehension Instruction

The National Reading Panel identified three predominant elements to support the development of reading comprehension skills: vocabulary instruction, active reading, and teacher preparation to deliver strategy instruction.

Young girl pointing at text as she reads aloud

What Works in Fluency Instruction

Fluency, reading in a fast and fluid manner, is what often distinguishes to observers the reading performance of a good reader from a poor reader. Find out what the research says about the two most common instructional methods for developing fluency: guided oral reading and independent silent reading.

Young boy looking at camera with his chalk drawing in the background

What to Do If You Suspect Your Child Has a Learning Disability

If you think your child might have a learning disability, this article can help. With early intervention, children with learning disabilities can learn strategies to achieve as well as other children do. Organizing information about your child will help you to monitor progress. This information will be valuable in planning for your child.

When to Call Your Child's Teacher

When to Call Your Child’s Teacher

Some parents are reluctant to contact their child’s teacher. Don’t be! A quick conversation or email exchange can go a long way toward resolving issues. Here are three situations where parent contact is a good idea.

illustration of young girl struggling with reading and writing

When Good Kids Get Bad Grades

Tutoring offers kids the special one-on-one attention that busy teachers often can’t provide. From simplehomework help to intensive work on basic skills, tutoring can offer just the boost your childneeds to succeed.
