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Maryanne Wolf

Maryanne Wolf

Dr. Wolf is the Director of the Center for Reading and Language Research at Tufts University, where she is an Associate Professor of Child Development. She is the author of Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain and has published hundreds of articles on reading and learning disabilities. She is the author of the RAVE-O Intervention Program, an evidence-based fluency comprehension program for struggling readers.

Mastering Short Vowels and Reading Whole Words with Calista, First Grader

Mastering Short Vowels and Reading Whole Words with Calista, First Grader

Reading expert Linda Farrell works with Calista, an early stage reader, on short vowel sounds, blending and manipulating sounds, reading whole words, and fluency. Ms. Farrell starts by making sure Calista has a strong foundation in short vowel sounds by teaching her hand motions to remember those sounds more easily. After Calista demonstrates she knows short vowel sounds, Ms. Farrell teaches her to change one sound in a spoken word using manipulatives. Finally, Ms. Farrell helps Calista move from sound-by-sound reading to whole word reading.

Mastering ‘Silent e’ and Becoming More Fluent with Michael, Third Grader

Mastering ‘Silent e’ and Becoming More Fluent with Michael, Third Grader

Reading expert Linda Farrell helps Michael master the ‘silent e’ pattern to help him become a more accurate and ultimately more fluid reader. She begins with making sure that Michael can distinguish between short and long vowel sounds in spoken words, then teaches him a multi-sensory way to recognize the short vowel and ‘silent e’ long vowel patterns in written words. Ms. Farrell emphasizes the need to practice each skill to the point of mastery.

3 elementary students writing on flip chart in social studies unit

Math Instruction for English Language Learners

Language plays an important part in math instruction, particularly for ELLs. This article offers some strategies for making language an integral part of math instruction, and for ensuring that ELLs have the tools and language they need to master mathematical concepts, procedures, and skills.