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Making Reading Relevant: Read, Learn, and Do!

Making Reading Relevant: Read, Learn, and Do!

Every time you pair a book with an experience, you are giving your child an opportunity to learn more about their world. Below are some suggestions for books and corresponding activities to extend your child’s reading experiences.

Mother and daughter reading together outside in tent made of sheets

Making a Splash With Summer Reading

If you’re a children’s librarian who wants to promote an upcoming summer reading program at your public library, start by targeting the local schools. After all, that’s where the children are.

Making It Stick: Memorable Strategies to Enhance Learning

Making It Stick: Memorable Strategies to Enhance Learning

We all use strategies throughout our day to remember the variety of facts and ideas we need to retain. It is valuable for teachers, therapists, and parents to understand the memory process in order to become better equipped to help our students understand and use strategies.

Make the Classroom Sensory-Friendly Today

Make the Classroom Sensory-Friendly Today

Learn simple ways you can make your classroom sensory-friendly to help students with sensory issues feel more comfortable and ready to focus on learning and socializing. Ideas include ways to adapt the classroom space, learning materials, lighting, noises, and smells.

Making the Most of Morning Meeting for Students with Autism

Making the Most of Morning Meeting for Students with Autism

Though circle-time may be difficult for students with ASD, with the appropriate modifications and additions to the activities and environment, the experience can be successful for students and staff alike. Get ideas that will help make morning meetings more meaningful to students, and will assist in increasing student success.
