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Homework Tips for Parents

Homework Tips for Parents

Homework is important, but helping your child with homework isn’t always easy. Here are some ways you can make homework easier for everyone!

Hooking Struggling Readers: Using Books They Can and Want to Read

Hooking Struggling Readers: Using Books They Can and Want to Read

One of the keys to helping struggling readers is to provide them with books that they can and want to read. Fiction for struggling readers must have realistic characters, readable and convincing text, and a sense of the readers’ interests and needs. Non-fiction books, newspapers, magazines, even comic books can hook students on reading.

elementary teacher working with a small group of students in class

How to Adapt Your Teaching Strategies to Student Needs

Teachers are often asked to modify instruction to accommodate special needs students. In fact, all students will benefit from the following good teaching practices. The following article takes the mystery out of adapting materials and strategies for curriculum areas.
