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elementary teacher working with a small group of students in class

Differentiated Instruction for Reading

Differentiated instruction is based on the premise that instructional approaches should vary and be adapted in relation to individual and diverse students. This brief looks at how differentiation strategies applied to reading can be designed to help students learn a range of skills including, phonics, comprehension, fluency, word prediction, and story prediction.
young red-headed boy outside writing in a notebook

Differentiated Instruction for Writing

Differentiated instruction, also called differentiation, is a process through which teachers enhance learning by matching student characteristics to instruction and assessment. Writing instruction can be differentiated to allow students varying amounts of time to complete assignments, to give students different writing product options, and to teach skills related to the writing process.

elementary teacher working with a small group of students in class

Differentiated Reading Instruction

In this webcast, Carol Ann Tomlinson, G. Michael Pressley, and Louise Spear-Swerling outline the most effective strategies teachers can use to address the many different needs of each of their students — so that all kids get the chance to learn to read.

illustration of young girl struggling with reading and writing

Difficulties With Alphabetics

Invariably, it is difficulty linking letters with sounds that is the source of reading problems, and children who have difficulties learning to read can be readily observed.

Difficulties With Fluency

Difficulties With Fluency

While the ability to read words accurately is a necessary skill in learning to read, the speed at which this is done becomes a critical factor in ensuring that children understand what they read.

Digital Storytelling: Extending the Potential for Struggling Writers

Digital Storytelling: Extending the Potential for Struggling Writers

While some young writers may struggle with traditional literacy, tapping into new literacies like digital storytelling may boost motivation and scaffold understanding of traditional literacies. Three types of struggling writers are introduced followed by descriptions of ways digital storytelling can support their development.


Dinosaurs Rule!

Whether big or small, scary or cute, children love dinosaurs. Kids can rattle off facts about the terrible lizards at the drop of a hat, and can pronounce scientific names with an ease that sometimes baffles adults. Join in the fun with these books!

elementary teacher discussing a text with three students in class

Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

The Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) approach makes readers stop, think, and respond orally or in written responses as they read a new text. It’s an engaging way to make reading interactive while building students’ awareness of their understanding while reading. has resources for students with disabilities, their parents, and teachers. You’ll find information about teaching strategies, using assistive technologies in the classroom, and preparing for college, financial aid, and scholarships. Resources for parents include tips for more effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and helping your child make the transition from school to work. You can also look for resources in your state.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education provides innovative teaching materials for teachers, useful and enjoyable resources for students, and smart advice for parents about how to help their kids enjoy learning and excel in school. The site is constantly reviewed for educational relevance by practicing classroom teachers in elementary school, middle school, and high school.