I have the pleasure of working one-on-one with several beginning readers, my own and a handful of others. There’s nothing more amazing than sitting beside a new reader and listening to them as they “get” reading. It’s something that you hear — their reading goes from word to word, choppy, and staccato-sounding to more phrasal, intonated, and just plain faster. But, how fast?
Words Correct per Minute (WCPM) is one way to determine a student’s reading fluency. Quick probes based on carefully selected passages can help teachers screen, diagnose, and monitor students’ progress.
Two researchers, Jan Hasbrouck and Gerald Tindal, have spent a great deal of time quantifying the oral reading fluency of kids in grades 1-8. In 2006 they published revised norms which provide guidance about where kids should be functioning.
In many cases, students will need some fluency instruction . And the good news is that fluency instruction will improve reading achievement. Really!
How do you assess your kids oral reading fluency? Do these norms align with the ones you use?