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I don’t care what they read as long as they are reading.

There’s some food for thought! Is that true? It doesn’t matter what they read as long as they’re reading?

Last week, Michael Winerip’s Parenting column (opens in a new window) in the New York Times was about making a love of reading happen for his kids, especially as they grow older. The column was poignant and thought provoking. Readers’ comments (opens in a new window) were too.

One reader wrote:

I’m afraid I have never heard a parent say anything more negligent than “I don’t care what they read as long as they are reading.” How absurd. Really, try substituting the phrase I don’t care what my children eat as long as they are eating. I don’t care with whom my children become friends as long as they have friends. I don’t care what movies my children see as long as they see movies. I don’t care what sites they go to on the internet as long as they are computer competent. You get the idea.

At first, I thought I disagreed.

And then we went to Barnes & Noble.

The girls had 15 minutes to browse and choose a book. Molly chose yet ANOTHER Junie B. Jones book. She’s probably read 10 or 11 of them; I stopped after 3 or 4, not willing to read any more. It never fails though — each one has some antic that has Molly howling. She can’t get enough.

Mom: Junie B. Jones, again?
Molly: Yes!
Mom: What about a Magic Tree House book? Or a Ramona one? Here’s a Magic School Bus…
Molly: No! I really want this one.
Mom: Really? Really?
Molly: Yes.
Mom: Alright, Molly. But that’s the last Junie B. book we’re buying.

It turns out I DO agree with commenter; I do care what they’re reading. I think. What about you?

About the Author

Along with her background as a professor, researcher, writer, and teacher, Joanne Meier is a mom. Join Joanne as she shares her experiences raising her own young readers, and guides parents and teachers on the best practices in reading.

Publication Date
October 30, 2007