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Something I never thought I’d hear…

“Joanne, this is Mrs. Z from school. Anna’s bringing home a note today. I thought I’d give you a head’s up.”

Oh boy. It seems Anna had trouble including someone in a game on the playground yesterday. What a sad “backpack unpack” we had… Anna was distraught to have to show us the letter she wrote describing the incident. Here she was, fresh with new writing powers, needing to use them to write about her trouble at school. Darn it.

I’d show you her letter, but it would break your heart. This morning, after she left for the bus, I found another letter from Anna on my pillow: “Tooda will be a good day. I love you”

I love you too, Anna. And when you get home, let’s read about other troubles at school. How about Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse? The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash? Berenstain Bears’ Trouble at School?

Are there others you can add that we could read?

About the Author

Along with her background as a professor, researcher, writer, and teacher, Joanne Meier is a mom. Join Joanne as she shares her experiences raising her own young readers, and guides parents and teachers on the best practices in reading.

Publication Date
October 17, 2007