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Dyslexia and the Brain

In this video from Understood, Guinevere Eden, PhD, explains which parts of our brain we use when we read, how our brains change when we learn to read, and the difference that a successful dyslexia intervention can make in brain function.

Supporting Students with Dyslexia: Standards, Accommodations, and Strategies

In this webinar, AT Specialists Diana Petschauer and Kelsey Hall Dyslexia demonstrated AT tools to support students who experience dyslexia with regard to developing goals and choosing appropriate accommodations as part of student’s’ individualized education plans (IEPs); and discussed interventions designed to close achievement gaps by providing well-researched programming that is explicit, systematic, and multisensory in nature, with plenty of opportunities for practice.


This video is created by a 12-year-old dyslexia advocate.
