Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney talks about being treated like the “stupid, crazy, lazy” kid because of his dyslexia and ADHD and how a more equitable and inclusive education system — and world — would be a game changer in the short and long term for kids with learning differences.
Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney shares an incredible story of one of heroes in his life who encouraged him, believed in him, and kept him accountable as he found his way in college because of—not despite of—his learning differences.
While at Brown University, Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney co-founded Eye to Eye, which started out as a public service project and is now a highly successful national mentoring movement that pairs kids who have learning differences like dyslexia and ADHD with college and high school mentors who have been similarly diagnosed.
Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney says that we should be asking “What’s the school’s problem?” or “What’s the work environment’s problem?” in a world where normal is good and right and difference is deficient.
This is an animated social story teaching kids that they need to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the coronavirus! It will also teach students to social distance and wash hands.
This is an animated distance learning social story lesson that teaches students about social distancing and how to keep busy during shelter-in-place due to coronavirus.