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"LDOnLine Was a Revelation for Me in My Journey with Learning Differences"

Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney talks about how discovering WETA’s LDOnLine while in college was a revelation for him. “It was the only place where I could find a different story about myself, the only place that didn’t tell me my brain was a problem,” he says. “On LDOnLine, I found affirmation, language to articulate what I felt, and community and connection.”

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Jonathan Mooney

Jonathan Mooney is an award-winning writer, entrepreneur, and activist with dyslexia, who did not learn to read until he was 12 years old. Jonathan has spent his professional career as a social entrepreneur developing organizations, programs, and initiatives to improve the lives of marginalized groups. In 1997, as an undergraduate at Brown University, Jonathan co-founded Project Eye-To-Eye, a non-profit advocacy organization for students with learning differences that works with more than 10,000 parents, educators, and students.
