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Book Theme
Grade Level

The habits of lifelong readers

Access to books at home, setting aside reading time, being a reading role model for children, and book choice are proven ways to encourage lifelong reading.

Peer power

Miller believes that children need to build a reading community of their own with their peers and independently.

The 40 book challenge

The goals are to expose students to a wide range of literature and encourage them to try a bit of everything so that they can become strong, capable readers of any text.

Visual literacy and reading widely

Children need to be skilled at reading and thinking critically about diagrams, charts, graphs, maps, photographs, and other visual information.

No more reading logs

Years of teaching has shown Miller that reading logs don’t motivate kids to read. Reading motivation really comes from connecting kids with books they love.

Thank you Miss Potter

Miller recounts how her elementary school librarian, Miss Potter, encouraged her love of reading and books.
