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In any effective and student-centered classroom, the voices of learners should be heard often; they should be asking and answering questions, sharing ideas, and expressing their thoughts. Some students, however, struggle to engage in some or all of these behaviors. They may need models for asking appropriate questions or adding relevant comments.

This “Off the Page” selection will provide an idea for moving the tasks of talking and sharing from teacher to student and it will provide some support for learners who need to eavesdrop on others to learn new communication skills. This featured idea is from From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks: 100 Ways to Differentiate Instruction in a K-12 Inclusive Classroom (opens in a new window).

About the author

Dr. Paula Kluth is a consultant, author, and advocate who works with teachers and families to provide inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities and to create more responsive and engaging schooling experiences for all learners. Dr. Kluth is a former special educator who has served as a classroom teacher and inclusion facilitator. Her professional interests include differentiating instruction and inclusive schooling. See a selected list of her books for teachers. All posts are reprinted with permission from Paula Kluth (opens in a new window).
