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The Reading Rockets–NEA Guide to Learning at Home: Family Activities for Summer


The Reading Rockets–NEA Guide to Learning at Home: Family Activities for Summer

Here are some ideas to keep children engaged and learning throughout the summer, whether they’re interested in reading, science, art, nature, history, current events, or almost anything else.

On this page:

 NEA in partnership with WETA public television is here to provide concrete ideas about keeping children engaged and learning throughout the summer, whether they’re interested in reading, science, art, nature, history, current events, or almost anything else.

Choosing books for kids

young girl reading book at library

More Recommended Books

Explore these booklists to find multicultural books, books about topics your kids are interested in, favorite books for kids with reading difficulties, and more:

Tips on Selecting Books

These tip sheets in English and Spanish can help you select the right books for your kids:

Public Library Digital Services

Is your public library closed? See if your public library offers OverDrive (opens in a new window) where you can borrow and read free ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your phone or tablet — all you need is your library card to get access. 

Audiobook and Ebook Services

There are also online services that offer high-quality audiobooks and ebooks. Listening to audiobooks builds , , and skills. Here are some recommended digital book services — you can start with a free trial to explore what they offer.

  • Audible for Kids (opens in a new window): A deep collection of audiobooks from Amazon. While schools are closed, kids can listen to stories in this special collection (opens in a new window) for free (available in 6 languages).
  • Bookshare (opens in a new window): For children with , low vision, and other reading barriers — get free access to books in audio, audio + highlighted text, braille, and large font. 
  • Tales2Go (opens in a new window): More than 10,000 high-interest audiobook titles (including Spanish titles) from leading publishers. You’ll also find book-based lesson plans (opens in a new window) for core reading skills, including , , , vocabulary, and comprehension. 
  • Epic! (opens in a new window): 35,000 resources, including ebooks, audiobooks, Spanish titles, learning videos, quizzes, teacher-curated collections, and more. While schools are closed, Epic! is offering students free access (opens in a new window) through their teachers.

Helping kids with reading

African American mother reading picture book to kindergarten son

Tips and Activities

Spanish-Language Resources for Parents

Teaching Reading Skills at Home

  • The ABCs of Teaching Reading at Home (opens in a new window): An overview of skills children should learn from PreK to grade 2 and how parents can help (Reading Rockets)
  • Home Reading Helper (opens in a new window): How to help your child with the basic building blocks of reading, plus videos, printables, activities, and games for preK-grade 3, with additional resources for children who struggle (Read Charlotte)
  • Starfall (opens in a new window): Learning-to-read, with an emphasis on , , , and through online books, songs, rhymes, and games (grades preK-3) 

Summer Reading Challenges

Summer writing

Elementary-aged girl writing outside during summer

We Are Storytellers: Exploring Multicultural Folktales, Fairy Tales, and Myths

Reading and writing go hand in hand. Explore multicultural folktales, fairy tales, and myths through shared read alouds and independent reading. Then try some of the writing, oral storytelling, poetry, mapmaking, and other creative activities featured here: We Are Storytellers: Exploring Multicultural Folktales, Fairy Tales, and Myths (opens in a new window)

Let’s Write!

Summer is for exploring, reading, listening and … writing. Give children a chance to exercise different writing muscles — from poetry to persuasive writing. Browse these simple summer writing activities for kids (opens in a new window). Plus tips from children’s writer Mary Amato on keeping a diary or writer’s notebook.

Write. Right. Rite.

Welcome to the Write. Right. Rite. (opens in a new window) — a GRAB THE MIC: Tell Your Story video series! This series gives kids an entertaining and inventive way to engage with the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, Jason Reynolds (opens in a new window). Jumpstart creativity with prompts like Find Treasure at the Pool, Take an Imaginary Road Trip, Invent , and Create Your Own Roller Coaster. 

Writing Lessons from 826 National

Writing lessons (opens in a new window) to help inspire kids to practice different writing genres — from 826, a national network of writing and tutoring centers, founded by author Dave Eggers and educator Nínive Calegari. (grades 1-5+)

Online learning

Elementary-aged boy learning online at home

Virtual Summer Camps

News Sites for Kids

Online Learning Across Subjects


Multicultural kids engaged in summer science learning

Bird Buddies

How much we can all learn when we stop to look and listen! And what better way to spend a summer day or several than outside learning all about birds — from the connection between birds and dinosaurs, their fantastic feathers, beaks for all kinds of nest building and eating, and unique songs, and how we, as humans, can protect birds and their habitats? Explore, read, play, invent, build and learn — all about birds and birding — with this 5-day DIY summer science camp: Bird Buddies! (opens in a new window) (grades 1-5) 

River Rangers

Imagine building a model of a watershed to explore where water goes when it rains and snows, weaving a dipping net to become a water detective, learning and putting into use 10 simple ways to conserve water, writing a cinquain — a non- five-line poem — about your favorite river or wetlands, and visiting a local river or body or water to test out the small craft you built from wood and string. Explore, read, play, invent, build and learn — all about water and the rivers and streams in your community — with this 5-day DIY summer science camp: River Rangers! (opens in a new window) (grades 1-5) 

Space Rangers

Where do stars come from? Why does the moon change shape? What is the solar system and why is the sun at its center? How big are all the planets? What is gravity, and is there gravity on the moon and the planets? What’s it like for astronauts to live and work in space? Explore, read, play, invent, build and learn — all about stars, our solar system, and space exploration — with this 5-day DIY summer science camp: S (opens in a new window)pace Rangers! (opens in a new window) (grades 1-5)

Weather Wonders

How does a tornado form? What makes lightning? How do people predict the weather? What can kids do to prepare for extreme weather and fight climate change? Explore, read, play, invent, build and learn — all about weather and climate — with this 5-day DIY summer science camp: Weather Wonders! (opens in a new window) (grades 1-5)  

Start with a Book: Science, Nature and Math

Find recommended fiction and nonfiction books, hands-on activities, writing ideas, educational apps, and kid-friendly podcasts and websites:

National Museum of Natural History Summer Explorations

This free virtual summer program series (opens in a new window) allows kids to explore the world of natural history science in a fun and interactive way! Each week you’ll explore a different natural science-based theme through daily live webinars, videos, activities, and projects. Register now (opens in a new window). (Recommended for grades 3-7)

Science and Math Activities: Parent Tips

These 18 tip sheets for parents are available in English and Spanish. Each tip sheet includes simple activities you can do with your child to build and beginning science and math skills, plus recommended picture books to extend the learning. 

Science Podcasts

More Online Science Resources

Art and music

Multicultural kids engaged in summer art and music and reading

Tune In!

Imagine making music with your body, inventing simple instruments with recycled materials, playing conductor, building community through call-and-response singing and group dances, creating a music time capsule, drawing to music, designing an album cover, exploring voices and songs of social change, and writing original jingles, parodies, and raps. Explore, read, play, invent, build and learn — all about music — with this 5-day DIY summer science camp: Tune In! (opens in a new window) (grades 1-5) 

Start with a Book: Art and Music

Find recommended fiction and nonfiction books, hands-on activities, writing ideas, educational apps, and kid-friendly podcasts and websites:

Draw Together with Wendy MacNaughton

Artist and illustrator Wendy MacNaughton led virtual drawing classes for kids. Each week, there’s a new topic related to the outdoors. Watch on episodes the Draw Together YouTube channel (opens in a new window).

More Online Arts Resources

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