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Parent–Teacher Conference Tip Sheets for Principals, Teachers and Parents

Guides and Toolkits

Parent–Teacher Conference Tip Sheets for Principals, Teachers and Parents

Parent–teacher conferences are an important component of ongoing home–school communication and family involvement in children’s education. These three tip sheets — for principals, teachers, and parents — can help ensure that parent–teacher conferences achieve their maximum potential by providing guidance that reflects each person’s role and responsibility in promoting productive home–school communication. Designed to be used as a set, the tip sheets combine consistent information with targeted suggestions, so that parents and educators enter into conferences with shared expectations and an increased ability to work together to improve children’s educational outcomes.

A Comprehensive K-3 Reading Assessment Plan: Guidance for School Leaders

Guides and Toolkits

A Comprehensive K-3 Reading Assessment Plan: Guidance for School Leaders

This guide provides valuable information for school leaders as they develop a comprehensive assessment plan as a critical element for preventing reading difficulties. The general principles outlined in this document, such as the early identification of students who are struggling in learning to read, are all based on scientific findings, but the detailed recommendations for implementation come from practical experiences in helping many school leaders implement successful plans. The detailed recommendations for implementation come from practical experiences in helping many school leaders implement successful plans. 

Literacy and Education Organization has resources for students with disabilities, their parents, and teachers. You’ll find information about teaching strategies, using assistive technologies in the classroom, and preparing for college, financial aid, and scholarships. Resources for parents include tips for more effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and helping your child make the transition from school to work. You can also look for resources in your state.