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Reading 101 for Parents: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

Phonological and phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and play with the sounds in spoken language — including rhymes, syllables, and the smallest units of sound ().

Phonological and is about the sounds in spoken words and a child’s understanding that spoken words are made up of sounds. While focuses on teaching sound-spelling relationships and is associated with print, tasks are oral.

Phonological awareness

Phonological awareness is made up of a group of skills. Examples include being able to identify words that rhyme, counting the number of syllables in a name, recognizing , a sentence into words, and identifying the syllables in a word. The most sophisticated — and last to develop — is called phonemic awareness.

Phonemic awareness

Phonemic awareness is the ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds () in spoken words. Manipulating the sounds in words includes , stretching, or otherwise changing words. Children can demonstrate phonemic awareness in several ways, including:

  • Recognizing which words in a set of words begin with the same sound.

    (“Bell, bike, and boy all have /b/ at the beginning.”)

  • Identifying and saying the first or last sound in a word.

    (“The beginning sound of dog is /d/.” “The ending sound of sit is /t/.”)

  • Combining (blending) the separate sounds in a word to say the whole word.

    (“/m/, /a/, /p/ – map.”)

  • Breaking (segmenting) a word into its separate sounds.

    (“up – /u/, /p/.”)

  • Changing a sound to make a new word

    (“Change the /t/ for /m/ – top becomes mop”)

Children who cannot hear and work with the phonemes of spoken words will have a difficult time learning how to relate these phonemes to letters when they see them in written words.

What is phonological awareness?

This video was produced by Understood (opens in a new window).


