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Chasing Freedom: The Life Journeys of Harriet Tubman and Susan B. Anthony, Inspired by Historical Facts

More Women (and a Few Girls) of Note

Some really lived extraordinary lives while others were imagined by their authors. But each of the girls and women you’ll meet in these books share things in common: their creativity and imagination, or their bravery and willingness to take on challenges. Whether that means facing an angry crowd while trying to get to school, admitting a wrongdoing, or learning to pilot a plane, you’ll enjoy their stories. Take some time to meet and read all about a few noteworthy women (and girls!). Discover many more related titles with Book Finder.

Mice and Beans

Mothers and More: Books About Families

Mothers, and the families they nurture, fill this fun and touching selection of recommended books for kids ages 0-9. From the classic Are You My Mother? to the fascinating How My Parents Learned to Eat, here are stories about the adventures and routines of very special families.

The First Strawberries: A Cherokee Story

Mother Earth in Autumn

Share the season’s bounty with these great books about Mother Earth. From poems of autumn, to the life cycle of a pond, to the tale of the first strawberries, these books celebrate the sights and sounds of nature. Read one of these recommended books with a youngster from ages 0-9, and together appreciate the world that surrounds us.

Motivations for Reading

Motivations for Reading

Reading motivation isn’t a simple matter of desire to read, because there are many different reasons for this desire. This article describes several motivations for reading, both intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external.)

mother and daughter reading books together with stuffed animals

Motivation: The Key to Academic Success

Motivation is key to school success. Just as the actor asks a director, “What is my motivation, for this scene?,” the child turns to teachers, parents, and peers to discover the “why” of learning. Motivation is often defined as a need or drive that energizes behavior toward a goal.


Moving In, Moving On, Moving Away

Moving to a new home, new school, and new friends is a turning point experience a kid never forgets. The recommended books in this list for kids ages 0-9 touches on the whole mix of emotions from trepidation to excitement that moving day brings. You’ll want to enjoy these warm, funny, empathetic books with your children, whether they’re the ones moving or staying behind.
