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woodcut style illustration of the national capitol building

America’s Kindergartners

Understanding the skills and challenges that today’s kindergarteners bring to school can help teachers teach them appropriately. This article summarizes findings from a longitudinal study of the kindergarten class of 1998-1999, in terms of their family backgrounds and their cognitive, social, and physical development.
preschooler with picture book

Reading for Information

Don’t forget to add non-fiction books to your reading routine! Kids can follow their own interests and learn about the world around them by reading about bugs, dinosaurs, or outer space. You can also use the information in books to do activities at home – make green eggs and ham like Sam I Am, or a newspaper hat like Curious George!

3 elementary students writing on flip chart in social studies unit

Math Instruction for English Language Learners

Language plays an important part in math instruction, particularly for ELLs. This article offers some strategies for making language an integral part of math instruction, and for ensuring that ELLs have the tools and language they need to master mathematical concepts, procedures, and skills.
word wall in first grade classroom filled with vocabulary words

The Vocabulary-Rich Classroom: Modeling Sophisticated Word Use to Promote Word Consciousness and Vocabulary Growth

The teacher’s use of language provides an important model for children’s vocabulary development. By modeling the use of sophisticated words, teachers can promote students’ vocabulary growth and word consciousness. In this article, the research support for this approach is explained, suggestions are provided for how teachers might accomplish this goal, and examples are shared from teachers who have done it successfully.
Children and Media: Tips for Parents

Children and Media: Tips for Parents

In a world where children are “growing up digital,” it’s important to help them learn healthy concepts of digital use and citizenship. Parents play an important role in teaching these skills. Here are a few tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics to help parents manage the digital landscape they’re exploring with their children.
Reading Adventure Pack: Stars

Reading Adventure Pack: Stars

Go on a “night sky” reading adventure! Teachers can support reading together at home with our reading adventure packs — designed to encourage hands-on fun and learning centered around paired fiction and nonfiction books. (Recommended level: third grade)

3 elementary students writing on flip chart in social studies unit

Reading and Understanding Written Math Problems

Word problems in mathematics often pose a challenge because they require that students read and comprehend the text of the problem, identify the question that needs to be answered, and finally create and solve a numerical equation. Many ELLs may have difficulty reading and understanding the written content in a word problem.
Reading Aloud to Build Comprehension

Reading Aloud to Build Comprehension

This article discusses the power of reading aloud and goes a step further to discuss the power of thinking out loud while reading to children as a way to highlight the strategies used by thoughtful readers.

Finding Children’s Books in a Pandemic

Finding Children’s Books in a Pandemic

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt, educators who find themselves working with students either within or outside of school walls or both have an increased need for digital content and access to books. Many organizations and publishers who already make it their mission to support readers are doing even more to assist educators, caregivers, and families in light of the pandemic.

Child cutting heart out of red paper

Valentine’s Day

February 14th is Valentine’s Day, a day to show family and friends how much you love and appreciate them. Here at Reading Rockets, we also see Valentine’s Day as a perfect opportunity to practice creative writing skills — and take a fresh look at poetry, figurative language, and word play.

Elementary boy in yellow plaid shirt taking a test

Assessment of English Language Learners

Dr. Lorraine Valdez Pierce offers an in-depth introduction to assessment for teachers of English language learners — including performance-based standardized assessments, assessment as a tool for informing instruction, use of assessment to reinforce reading comprehension, and student self-assessment and self-monitoring.

Henry Winkler

Reading and the Brain

What happens when neuroscience meets Dr. Seuss? Hosted by Henry Winkler — who has had his own struggles with reading — Reading and the Brain explores how brain scientists are working to solve the puzzle of why some children struggle to read and others don’t. 

Rediscover Your Public Library

Rediscover Your Public Library

Libraries are great resources for families with young children; you can find books, entertainment, educational and cultural enrichment, literacy tips, and other valuable information. Here are nine reasons to visit your public library!

Second Language Acquisition

Second Language Acquisition

Anyone at any age can learn a second language after a first language is already established, but it takes a lot of practice. Second language acquisition often happens when a child who speaks a language other than English goes to school for the first time. This brief looks at the best way to teach a second language and how speech professionals can help.
