Welcome to our strategy library!
All of the reading and writing strategies in our collection are evidence-based and can be adapted for all learners. Many of the strategies support collaborative learning and give your students a chance to work independently and in small groups.
Find the strategies that support the specific literacyThe ability to understand oral language, read fluently, and write well. skills you are teaching — the filters below can help you get started. As you introduce a strategy, clearly model how the strategy will be used, and let the kids know if they will be working as a whole class, in small groups, or individually. Demonstration and modelingAn instruction technique where a teacher explicitly demonstrates a strategy, skill, or concept that students will be learning. , follow-up independent practice, and class or small group discussion are keys to success. Instruction should encourage active participation and lots of conversation!
Each strategy includes:
- Instructions on how to use the strategy
- Classroom video
- Downloadable templates and examples
- Differentiation for second language learners, students of varying reading skill, and younger learners
- Supporting research
- Recommended children’s books to use with the strategy
Reading Rockets is made possible with generous support from the National Education Association.

Which strategy?
The chart below lists all of the strategies currently in our library. To quickly find the strategies you need, use the filters below.
For many of the strategies, you can also see which are best used before, during, and/or after reading (B/D/A). “Before” strategies activate students’ prior knowledgeThe background knowledge and experience that readers bring to the text. and set a purpose for reading. “During” strategies help students make connections, monitor their understanding, generate questions, and stay focused. “After” strategies provide students an opportunity to summarize, question, reflect, discuss, and respond to text.
Select a strategy
Classroom Strategy
Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)
Classroom Strategy
Classroom Strategy
Classroom Strategy
Possible Sentences
Classroom Strategy
Reciprocal Teaching
Classroom Strategy
Semantic Feature Analysis
Classroom Strategy
Semantic Gradients
Classroom Strategy