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Understanding Text Types

Text types refer to the broad categories of writing or genres that present stories, ideas, and information in distinct ways. Each text type has unique characteristics and structures to guide readers and writers.   

Common text types

The most common text types that students will come across in their reading are the following:

  • Narrative text tells a story, and can be either fiction or nonfiction. Narrative texts typically have a beginning, middle, and end, and they use characters, setting, and plot to create the story.
  • Descriptive text creates a picture with words, using vivid language to describe people, places, things, or events. Descriptive text can be found in a variety of genres, including essays and poetry.
  • Expository text explains or informs, by presenting facts, definitions, or processes in a clear and concise way. can be found in a variety of genres, including textbooks, news articles, and informational books for children — for example, visual encyclopedias and pictorial information books such as the DK and National Geographic series.
  • Procedural or instructional text explains how to do something through step-by-step explanations, often accompanied by numbered diagrams, illustrations, or photographs. Recipes and how-to-build Playmobil® and Lego® kits are common examples.
  • Argumentative or persuasive text tries to persuade the reader to agree with a particular point of view, by using evidence, logic, and reasoning to support the claims. Argumentative text can be found in essays, editorials, and speeches.

NOTE: Text types should not be confused with text structures, which are discussed in the sections below.

PurposeFeaturesCommon Text StructuresExamples
NarrativeTells a story

Characters, setting, plot, conflict, resolution. 

The text includes description and a sequence of events unfolding over time.

  • Description
  • Cause and Effect
  • Chronology/Sequence
  • Problem and Solution
Picture books, chapter books, short stories, plays, biography and memoir
DescriptivePaints a picture with words

Vivid language, sensory details. 

The text focuses on providing details about a person, place, object, or event using sensory language.

  • Description
  • Compare and Contrast
Essays, poetry
ExpositoryExplains or informs

Facts, definitions, processes. 

The text often includes headings, subheadings, and may use bullet points or numerical listings.

  • Description
  • Cause and Effect
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Chronology/Sequence
  • Problem and Solution
Textbooks, news articles, pictorial informational books
Procedural or InstructionalProvides instructions on how to do something

Step-by-step instructions.

The text often includes diagrams or illustrations to help the reader follow the instructions. 

  • Chronology/Sequence
Recipes, user manuals, building kit instructions, and DIY guides
Argumentative or PersuasivePersuades the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action

Evidence, logic, reasoning. 

The text includes arguments, provides evidence, and utilizes rhetorical techniques to influence the reader’s opinion.

  • Description
  • Cause and Effect
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Problem and Solution
Essays, editorials, speeches