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I thought I’d share our summer family read alouds…maybe you’re looking for a good chapter book to share with your kids?

I have two basic criteria for our read alouds: (1) I pick books that are just beyond Molly’s reading level. That way, I’m reading books that expand her and thinking while exposing her to books that would be too much for her to tackle on her own, and (2) I pick books I have recently read (or re-read) and am excited about. I know my enthusiasm is contagious — once we start a book we have a tough time putting it down!

The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy (opens in a new window) was a great way to start off the summer. A fun story of a family vacation to a Berkshire cottage. We immediately fell in love with the girls in the story; their personalities were smart, exciting, and fun.

/readingrocket-20” target=”_blank”>The Magician’s Boy was a terrific step into the fantasy genre. The book is about a magician’s apprentice who finds himself intimately involved in a puppet show of “Saint George and the Dragon” and The Land of Story. I won’t write any more, but your kids are sure to recognize some characters along the way.

Thanks to our local librarian, we have also read Welcome to the Bed and Biscuit (opens in a new window). A fun story of Ernest the pig, Gabby the bird, Milly the cat, and a new, not-so-welcomed visitor at Grandpa’s boarding house for animals. My girls LOVED Milly, who was quite silly and who loved to sing!

There are a handful of others, but these ones really stood out. And there’s still more on the nightstand: The Lighthouse Family, The Secret Garden, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and a recommendation from Maria (opens in a new window) to read almost anything by Dick King-Smith. Clearly, we need a longer summer!

There are lots of good resources for finding read aloud titles. Jim Trelease, author of the Read Aloud Handbook, has a list (opens in a new window)on his site, and we’ve got good tips on reading aloud. There are literally hundreds of suggestions for read alouds; everyone seems to have their own criteria. Whatever you read, don’t forget…have fun!

About the Author

Joanne Meier has more than 20 years of experience in the field of education, including serving on the faculty at the University of Virginia for six years where she trained reading specialists and future classroom teachers. Dr. Meier was Reading Rockets’ research-to-practice consultant from 2002 to 2014, where she wrote the Page by Page (opens in a new window) blog — sharing best practices in supporting young readers at home and in the classroom.

Publication Date
August 1, 2007