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Book Theme
Grade Level

Becoming Aware of Print

In San Jose, California, 32-month-old Mira gets a head start on reading from her parents.

Introduction: Sounds & Symbols

Sounds and Symbols focuses on how children learn the relationship between sounds, letters, and words as an initial step before being able to decode the printed word.

From Babbling to Books

Todd R. Risley, Sharon Landesman Ramey, and Julie Washington discuss research-based strategies for developing language and pre-reading skills in young children.

Introduction: Roots of Reading

Fred Rogers introduces how parents, childcare providers, and kindergarten teachers can get children started on the road to literacy. 

Reading Maestros

Master teacher Dr. Rebecca Palacios runs a dual-language immersion preschool and mentors teachers-in-training on how to provide top-notch teaching in a preschool environment.

Reading Together

Georgetown Even Start is helping at-risk families break the cycle of low literacy and educational failure.
