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Book Theme
Grade Level

Content, context, and the child

Lisa Guernsey advises that parents—and teachers—consider the content, context, and the child when determining screen time.

Blogs and Wikis

Writing online, through blogs, wikis, or discussion forums can boost student motivation for writing and help students learn to adapt writing for different audiences, tasks, purposes, and disciplines.

Improving Fluency with Technology: Assisted Reading

 Students who struggle with fluency may read slowly, in a monotone, ignoring punctuation, or in choppy start-and-stop rhythms. Support these students with tools that allow for repeated readings and performance, and model expressive reading with audiobooks, e-books, and your own live readings.

Using Multimedia to Support Reading Instruction

Part of preparing students to meet College and Career Readiness Standards in English language arts (ELA) involves helping them become adept at integrating and evaluating information in a variety of different media formats.
