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Using Multimedia to Support Reading Instruction

Part of preparing students to meet College and Career Readiness Standards in English language arts (ELA) involves helping them become adept at integrating and evaluating information in a variety of different media formats.

Video 3: Dialogic Reading With Expository Text

This video, part of Professional Learning Community: Emergent Literacy, shows a preschool teacher implementing Dialogic Reading to support vocabulary development using an expository text. 

Structured Word Inquiry in a Grade 2 Classroom

In this video, Sam Modest discusses the process he and his co-teacher, Erin Metcalf, are going through to refine structured word inquiry practice in their Grade 2 class at the Nueva School.

Reading Maestros

Master teacher Dr. Rebecca Palacios runs a dual-language immersion preschool and mentors teachers-in-training on how to provide top-notch teaching in a preschool environment.

Reading as Dialogue

Children who are at risk for reading failure boost their reading skills using a technique called dialogic reading.
