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Book Theme
Grade Level

Sleight of hand

Jules Feiffer describes cartooning as a kind of visual magic act.


Kate and Jules Feiffer have an easy collaborative working style. They vividly remember working together on Which Puppy? and My Side of the Car.

If at first you don't succeed...

Success is nothing to sneeze at, but failure also offers great possibilities. That’s where so much learning and growth happens.


Jules Feiffer fell in love with American comic strips as a young kid in the 1930s and 1940s.

Bark, George

Jules Feiffer’s story Bark, George started out as a bedtime story (a “radio story”) for his two-year old daughter.

Life's Work

Jules Feiffer says he feels lucky that he’s doing work that is still challenging and that he loves.

Playing favorites

 Jules Feiffer shares his fondness for By the Side of the Road, a picture book with a not-so-happy ending.

Opening lines

In the early stages of a book, the story can sometimes seem to write itself. Then come the careful revisions and polish.
