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Book Theme
Grade Level

Language development

Dr. Lundgren offers a brief overview of the different components of language development. 

I'm a writer

Dr. Karen R. Harris discusses how to build a sense of self-efficacy to counteract negative feelings toward writing.

Ideas, voice and originality

To maintain motivation and encourage positive emotional experiences with writing, wield the red pen with care.

How parents can support young writers

Parents can support young writers by modeling writing behaviors, making writing a family activity, and staying informed about what writing instruction at school looks like.

Writing as a purposeful act

Hesse sees writing not only as a mandatory skill—it is also as an authentic way for students to analyze, create, and convey knowledge.

Bark, George

Jules Feiffer’s story Bark, George started out as a bedtime story (a “radio story”) for his two-year old daughter.
