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Learning Differences Are Not Deficiencies

Writer and Neurodiversity Advocate Jonathan Mooney talks about being treated like the “stupid, crazy, lazy” kid because of his dyslexia and ADHD and how a more equitable and inclusive education system — and world — would be a game changer in the short and long term for kids with learning differences.

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

Universal Design for Learning is the idea of having multiple and flexible means of conveying information, expressing understanding, and engaging in learning; in essence, UDL provides choice.

Jonathan Mooney's Core Values as a Long-Time Neurodiversity Advocate

With more than 22 years as a writer and neurodiversity advocate under his belt, Jonathan Mooney talks about the core values of his work, from reframing “the problem”—not the person with learning differences; rather the way the differences are treated—to the shift from remediation to universal design with accommodations for all learners.
