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Book Theme
Grade Level

Teaching Tavares

At Walton Elementary, teachers use Reading Mastery, a scripted reading program.

Talking Tutoring: Tutoring 101

In this introductory overview, the panelists discuss who needs tutoring help and why, and what options are available in school and after school.

Warning Signs

Bryana was waving a red flag for reading problems at eight months old.

Chicago Child-Parent Centers

Parker Child-Parent Center offers a two-pronged approach—a high-quality preschool and research-based literacy training for parents.

Letters and Sounds

Mr. Lee demonstrates effective reading instruction and progress monitoring practices in his multilingual kindergarten classroom.

First Steps

Ms. Espinosa and her team at the Escontrias Early Childhood Center teach a significant number of their young learners to listen, speak, and write in English.

Chicago Child-Parent Centers

Parker Child-Parent Center offers a two-pronged approach—a high-quality preschool and research-based literacy training for parents.
