In the class, there are about 20 kids now. On the TV show, they’ve selected eight. That’s all there are, because you can’t pay attention to more than that. But Joanna would make up a name, and then I would make up a kid to go with it. I would take my kid’s school pictures from elementary school, and I would pick out kids and what they were wearing. It was picture day and I’d draw what they were wearing to school. Some of those kids are in the class, and they don’t know it, although one of my son’s best friends is Arnold. He was the model for Arnold, and I didn’t tell him until he was 16 years old, which was a mistake. He said, “I don’t look like Arnold!”
And I said, “Well, that day, you were wearing that shirt to school that white-and-yellow, striped polo shirt. And you have that blondish, curly hair; and that was you. You were Arnold.” I said, “You’re not like Arnold, but he looks like you.”