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Tools of the trade, for writers

In teaching writing classes, Quattlebaum always suggests that if you want to write, read widely and read as much as possible. Because you can learn so much by osmosis from what fine writers have done.

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Mary Quattlebaum

Children’s Author

Ahoy, mateys! Meet award-winning writer, poet, and stealth pirate Mary Quattlebaum, whose 2011 book, Pirate vs. Pirate, is a blustery adventure pitting Mean Mo against Bad Bart to determine who has the most impressive pirate skills (cannonball tossing! hardtack eating!). Other titles include Jo MacDonald Saw a Pond, with its celebration of nature through rhythm, wordplay, and onomatopoeia; the Jackson Jones series, spirited and true-to-life stories about a 10-year-old boy (Jackson) and his urban neighborhood community; and many other books for young children and teens. Huzzah!
