The poem The Reason I Like Chocolate was actually a bookmark for a children’s book. And, again, I don’t want you think I just sit at home and wait for people to call me, but that happens to be one of the poems that I was simply invited to do — would I like to do a bookmark? And it was like, “Oh, yeah.”
And I tried to think of what would be on that one, I just wanted to be universal. What was exciting to me about that poem is that I’m a fan of Harry Potter. And when Harry Potter first met the Dementors on the train, he didn’t realize it, but they were sucking the joy out - he didn’t know what was going on, but it just really chilled him to the bone, and he passed out. And he wakes up in the hospital, and they’re giving him chocolate, because the antidote to the Dementors is chocolate.
I would put books on par with chocolate, because a good book is delicious.