The Open a World of Possible campaign brings together literacy leaders, children’s authors, thought leaders in literacy instruction to come together and really celebrate the power that reading has had in their lives and the power that they have seen reading have in the lives of children. And so there are a rich body of resources available through Open a World of Possible. They have videos to show testimonials from students, librarians, and teachers, parents about the importance of reading in children’s lives.
They’ve had some celebrities. For example, they did a webcast with Usher and promoted that out. They also have a very powerful research brief that’s available that kind of gathers together the research relevant to literacy instruction. So, it’s a nice document for educators to be able to look at and share and administrators. And they also have essays from hundreds of thought leaders about reading that can be downloaded and shared with parents, with – there’s even some – Kwame Alexander, the children’s poet has a wonderful poem that could be shared with children in the classroom.
And the goal of that campaign is really to celebrate reading, to evangelize about the importance of reading, and share resources that can help schools and parents make reading meaningful to kids.