I have begun asking teachers and librarians who I feel are being very successful, what are some of the things that they are doing? And I am encouraged at the sort of enthusiastic strategies that I see teachers and librarians exploring.
For example, I have always talked about the importance of making classrooms psychologically safe places. And that’s one issue. How do we create a spirit of community in a class? And it’s my interest as a writer where every child feels, “I can tell you my story, and it’s safe. It’s safe. I can tell you about the food we eat. I can tell you about the songs we sing. I can tell you about my crazy uncle, my Tío Pablo, and you’re going to treat it with respect.”
That is going to open up creative possibilities for students. They become so excited when they can talk about what they know and feel that that is valued, that that is important, that you’re excited about it.