I realize it all depends. I didn’t want to put him under pressure, because my impression in New York schools was that, compared with where I grew up, everybody came to Kindergarten and said, well, our son will be a lawyer, and our son will be a
Nobody said, my son will be a carpenter. Or I want my son to be happy
I just want him to read with love, and be happy, and do it right. So now he’s reading every night wonderfully, but he’s getting very slowly into it. And definitely the parents who would want him to be a lawyer at Harvard would say, oh, you are too slow! You’re seven and you’re reading so slowly! But I think it’s like walking he will read just fine. And it’s more important that he will really love books and read them.
So I don’t know how helpful I am, but I definitely don’t do it with my own books because I’m sort of embarrassed to say, you have to read my own books! So maybe they don’t even know that much about my books as some other kids. I think it’s better that way. I said that at school they shouldn’t say that I do books, that they should say I’m a trumpet player.