I thought I would like to write a story where the issue of the color of someone’s skin is truly an issue. And in Mr. Lincoln’s Way, that’s the issue. So they had to find something that was common between them. Mr. Lincoln is the black principal and the white child comes from a white supremacist family. That’s his point of view. And he really loves this principal, but he does not dare have any interaction with him. So what they find that is common between them is their love of birds. And it happens that their school has this atrium that is empty because they apparently didn’t have the right bushes and things to attract a population of birds. So that’s what they work on together.
And I guess what I’m trying to say is, it doesn’t matter how different we are. There is something we can find that we have in common. And that should be the place that we start from, our commonality. And then from there, we celebrate our difference instead of having difference be a cause for a feeling of isolation.