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Different threads

Quattlebaum talks about all the ideas and pieces that came together when she was writing Grover G. Graham and Me.

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Mary Quattlebaum

Children’s Author

Ahoy, mateys! Meet award-winning writer, poet, and stealth pirate Mary Quattlebaum, whose 2011 book, Pirate vs. Pirate, is a blustery adventure pitting Mean Mo against Bad Bart to determine who has the most impressive pirate skills (cannonball tossing! hardtack eating!). Other titles include Jo MacDonald Saw a Pond, with its celebration of nature through rhythm, wordplay, and onomatopoeia; the Jackson Jones series, spirited and true-to-life stories about a 10-year-old boy (Jackson) and his urban neighborhood community; and many other books for young children and teens. Huzzah!
