I’d always think about my father. We had a small, corner grocery store. And in small, corner grocery stores, it really depends upon the owner. And so my father would work 14- and 16-hour days, seven days a week. It was a big deal when he took a half-day off at Christmas. And there was no question about my brother and I not helping in the store. And our tours could begin, like, at six in the morning, getting the newspapers in, to late at night, restocking the shelves.
And so it sounds strange, but having that little, corner grocery store taught not just myself, but my brother some self-discipline. I just learned how to keep at something. And also, whenever I start feeling tired at the computer, I remind myself how easy I have it, because I’m sitting there in a chair at a desk, while my poor father, you know, was running around the store. I mean he literally wore his legs out, working.