You can kind of spot them. I see them when I go into the schools and I’m drawing. There are always some kids who are watching very closely, and they’re drawing along. And they are really talented kids. You see it a lot. I think sometimes those kids are not always the best students. They’re often kind of in their own world. They’re spacey. They’re drawing pictures when they should be doing math assignments, and I think it maybe goes against the grain, sometimes, to encourage that kind of behavior.
But maybe you don’t really need to. Maybe you just have to give them paper and a pencil every now and then and let them go. I think kids like that will kind of find their way. That’s sort of my feeling. I wasn’t really trained to it, but obviously, it was deep inside of me. The main thing not just for artistic kids, but for anyone is to encourage them as they get older and start thinking about careers, to really follow their heart and to go with what they love, rather than maybe following money or things like that just to really follow their passion.