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Video: Distance Learning for Children with Autism During COVID-19

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Video: Distance Learning for Children with Autism During COVID-19

In these videos, you’ll find out from parents, teachers, and autism experts what works in supporting distance learning for children with autism. Animated social stories about the coronavirus, social distancing, and wearing masks are also included.

Tips for parents teaching their children with autism at home

Dr. Christine Reeve shares some simple tips for families on structuring tasks for their children while they are working with them at home. For example, Dr. Reeve shows how to make visual schedules with materials you already have. These ideas work for children with autism or any child with attention issues. For more ideas, visit Autism Classroom Resources (opens in a new window).

For parents: distance learning with autism

Do you have a child with autism? Are you struggling with how to effectively implement distance learning for them? Check out this video in which one mom shares how her family is making distance learning a reality for their family. In the video, you will be able to see and hear about how they set up school at home, items they used to address sensory needs and still continue to work on goals.

For teachers: distance learning? Take home work? What do we do?

Dr. Christine Reeve answers teacher questions in this archived Facebook Live session about what to do at this unprecedented time of school closures. Download this free resource from Dr. Reeves at Teachers Pay Teachers: Language-Based Distance Learning: Home-Based Instruction Tools for Special Ed (opens in a new window).

For teachers: let’s talk about remote learning

Dr. Christine Reeve answers teacher questions in this archived Facebook Live session about distance teaching and parent communication for their students with autism. What strategies are you using? What’s working? Here’s one helpful tip: Using Distance Token Systems from Autism Classroom Resources (opens in a new window) (VIDEO).

Video : an approach for distance learning for students with autism

Dr. Nicole Caldwell discusses why using video modeling can be helpful for distance learning for students with autism and offers some tips about how to create videos to teach your students new skills and behaviors via distance learning using this evidence-based strategy. Download the presentation handout (opens in a new window) with all of the links and resource. 

Coronavirus social stories

Social stories are a great way to teach children — including kids with autism — how to cope with different emotions and situations, especially unfamiliar ones. Here are some reassuring social stories that can be helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus: how to protect yourself

This animated social story teaches kids about how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. It will teach students to social distance, wash hands, disinfect surfaces, and how to stay healthy during this time. This video was designed for kids with learning disabilities and autism. Use this video as a mini-lesson or have your students watch everyday.

Wearing a mask

This animated social story teaches kids about the coronavirus that they need to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus! It will also teach students to social distance and wash hands.

Social distancing

This animated social story teaches kids about social distancing and how to keep busy during shelter-in-place due to COVID-19.

More Animated COVID-19 Social Stories (opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)

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Autism Spectrum Disorder